
Яндекс цитирования



Кол-во просмотров материалов

Сервер Red Hat Linux 7.1, Red Hat Linux 9.0

  • Настройки сервера новостей shrek.technet inn v.2.3.4-2
  • Настройки сервера новостей pups.it.ru inn v.2.3.2-12
  • Настройки сервера новостей grossb.it.ru inn v.2.2.2-3

  • Настройки сервера новостей shrek.technet

    Сервер новостей inn v.2.3.4-2
    Здесь указаны файлы, которые надо менять.

    Дополнительная информация

    Конфигурационный файл /etc/news/inn.conf
    [root@shrek /root]# less /etc/news/inn.conf
    ##  $Id: inn.conf.in,v 2000/07/17 06:46:17 rra Exp $
    ##  inn.conf -- INN configuration data
    ##  Format:
    ##      <parameter>:<whitespace><value>
    ##  Blank values are allowed for certain parameters.
    ##  See the inn.conf(5) man page for a full description of each of these
    ##  options.  This sample file is divided into two sections; first, there
    ##  are the parameters that must be set (or should be set in nearly all
    ##  cases), and then all parameters are given with their defaults for
    ##  reference in the same order and with the same organization as the
    ##  inn.conf(5) documentation.
    # The following parameters are most likely to need setting, although the
    # defaults generated by configure may be reasonable.
    mta:                    /usr/sbin/sendmail -oi -oem %s
    organization:           A poorly-installed InterNetNews site
    ovmethod:               tradindexed
    #pathhost:              localhost
    pathnews:               /usr/lib/news
    # General Settings
    domain:			technet
    mailcmd:                /usr/lib/news/bin/innmail
    server:			shrek
    # Feed Configuration
    artcutoff:              100
    hiscachesize:           0
    ignorenewsgroups:       false
    immediatecancel:        false
    linecountfuzz:          0
    maxartsize:             1000000
    maxconnections:         50
    pgpverify:              false
    port:                   119
    refusecybercancels:     false
    remembertrash:          true
    usecontrolchan:         true
    verifycancels:          false
    wanttrash:              false
    wipcheck:               5
    wipexpire:              10
    # Article Storage
    cnfscheckfudgesize:     0
    enableoverview:         true
    groupbaseexpiry:        true
    mergetogroups:          false
    overcachesize:          15
    storeonxref:            false
    useoverchan:            false
    wireformat:             false
    xrefslave:              false
    # Reading
    allownewnews:           true
    articlemmap:            false
    clienttimeout:          1800
    nnrpdcheckart:          true
    nnrpperlauth:           false
    nnrppythonauth:         false
    noreader:               false
    readerswhenstopped:     false
    readertrack:            false
    # Reading -- Keyword Support
    # Enabling this without stopping innd and deleting the existing overview
    # database and adding will probably confuse a lot of things.  You must
    # have compiled this support in too.
    keywords:               false
    keyartlimit:            100000
    keylimit:               512
    keymaxwords:            250
    # Posting
    addnntppostingdate:     true
    addnntppostinghost:     true
    checkincludedtext:      false
    localmaxartsize:        1000000
    nnrpdauthsender:        false
    nnrpdpostport:          119
    spoolfirst:             false
    strippostcc:            false
    # Posting -- Exponential Backoff
    backoffauth:            false
    backoffk:               1
    backoffpostfast:        0
    backoffpostslow:        1
    backofftrigger:         10000
    # Monitoring
    doinnwatch:             false
    innwatchbatchspace:     800
    innwatchlibspace:       25000
    innwatchloload:         1000
    innwatchhiload:         2000
    innwatchpauseload:      1500
    innwatchsleeptime:      600
    innwatchspoolnodes:     200
    innwatchspoolspace:     8000
    # Logging
    docnfsstat:             false
    logartsize:             true
    logcancelcomm:          false
    logcycles:              3
    logipaddr:              true
    logsitename:            true
    nnrpdoverstats:         false
    nntpactsync:            200
    nntplinklog:            false
    status:                 0
    timer:                  0
    # System Tuning
    badiocount:             5
    blockbackoff:           120
    chaninacttime:          600
    chanretrytime:          300
    icdsynccount:           1000
    maxforks:               10
    nicekids:               0
    nicenewnews:            0
    nicennrpd:              0
    pauseretrytime:         300
    peertimeout:            3600
    rlimitnofile:           -1
    # Paths
    patharchive:            /var/spool/news/archive
    patharticles:           /var/spool/news/articles
    pathbin:                /usr/lib/news/bin
    pathcontrol:            /usr/lib/news/bin/control
    pathdb:                 /var/lib/news
    pathetc:                /etc/news
    pathfilter:             /usr/lib/news/bin/filter
    pathhttp:               /var/log/news
    pathincoming:           /var/spool/news/incoming
    pathlog:                /var/log/news
    pathoutgoing:           /var/spool/news/outgoing
    pathoverview:           /var/spool/news/overview
    pathrun:                /var/run/news
    pathspool:              /var/spool/news
    pathtmp:                /var/lib/news/tmp
    [root@shrek /root]#

    Конфигурационный файл /etc/news/expire.ctl
    [root@shrek /root]# less /etc/news/expire.ctl
    ##  $Revision: $
    ##  expire.ctl - expire control file
    ##  Format:
    ##	/remember/:<keep>
    ##	<class>:<keep>:<default>:<purge>
    ##	<wildmat>:<flag>:<keep>:<default>:<purge>
    ##  First line gives history retention; second line specifies expiration
    ##  for classes; third line specifies expiration for group if groupbaseexpiry
    ##  is true
    ##	<class>		class specified in storage.conf
    ##	<wildmat>	wildmat-style patterns for the newsgroups
    ##	<keep>		Mininum number of days to keep article
    ##	<default>	Default number of days to keep the article
    ##	<purge>		Flush article after this many days
    ##  <keep>, <default>, and <purge> can be floating-point numbers or the
    ##  word "never."  Times are based on when received unless -p is used;
    ##  see expire.8
    ##  If article expires before 10 days, we still remember it for 10 days in
    ##  case we get offered it again.  Depending on what you use for the innd
    ##  -c flag and how paranoid you are about old news, you might want to
    ##  make this 28, 30, etc, but it's probably safe to reduce it to 7 in most
    ##  cases if you want to keep your history file smaller.
    ##  Keep for 1-10 days, allow Expires headers to work.  This entry uses
    ##  the syntax appropriate when groupbaseexpiry is true in inn.conf.
    ##  Keep for 1-10 days, allow Expires headers to work.  This is an entry
    ##  based on storage class, used when groupbaseexpiry is false.
    [root@shrek /root]#

    Конфигурационный файл /etc/news/incoming.conf
    [root@shrek /root]# less /etc/news/incoming.conf
    ##  $Revision: 1.6 $
    ##  incoming.conf - names and addresses that feed us news
    ##  This file consists of three types of entries: key/value, peer and group.
    ##  Comments are taken from the hash character ``#'' to the end of the line.
    ##  Blank lines are ignored.
    ##  Key/value entries are a keyword immediatly followed by a colon, at least
    ##  one blank and a value. For example:
    ##         max-connections: 10
    ##  A legal key contains nor blanks, nor colon, nor ``#''.
    ##  There are 5 different type of  values:  integers,  booleans, and strings.
    ##  Integers are as to be expected. A boolean value is either ``true'' or
    ##  ``false'' (case is significant). A string value is any other sequence of
    ##  characters. If the string needs to contain whitespace, then it must be
    ##  quoted with double quotes.
    ##  Peer entries look like:
    ##          peer <name> {
    ##               # body
    ##          }
    ##  The word ``peer'' is required. <name> is a label for this peer. It is
    ##  any string valid as a key. The body of a peer entry contains some number
    ##  of key/value entries.
    ##  Group entries look like:
    ##          group <name> {
    ##               # body
    ##          }
    ##  The word ``group'' is required. The ``<name>'' is any string valid as a
    ##  key. The body of a group entry contains any number of the three types of
    ##  entries. So key/value pairs can be defined inside a group, and peers can
    ##  be nested inside a group, and other groups can be nested inside a group.
    ##  Key/value entries that are defined outside of all peer and group entries
    ##  are said to be at ``global scope''. Global key/value entries act as
    ##  defaults for peers. When innd looks for a specific value in a peer entry
    ##  (for example, the maximum number of connections to allow), if the value
    ##  is not defined in the peer entry, then the enclosing groups are examined
    ##  for the entry (starting at the closest enclosing group). If there are no
    ##  enclosing groups, or the enclosing groups don't define the key/value,
    ##  then the value at global scope is used.
    ##  A small example could be:
    ##      # Global value applied to all peers that have no value of their own.
    ##      max-connections: 5
    ##      # A peer definition.
    ##      peer uunet {
    ##           hostname: usenet1.uu.net
    ##      }
    ##      peer vixie {
    ##              hostname: gw.home.vix.com
    ##              max-connections: 10      # override global value.
    ##      }
    ##      # A group of two peers who can open more connections than normal
    ##      group fast-sites {
    ##           max-connections: 15
    ##           # Another peer. The ``max-connections'' value from the
    ##           # ``fast-sites'' group scope is used.
    ##           peer data.ramona.vix.com {
    ##                hostname: data.ramona.vix.com
    ##           }
    ##           peer bb.home.vix.com {
    ##                hostname: bb.home.vix.com
    ##                max-connections: 20 # he can really cook.
    ##           }
    ##      }
    ##  Given the above configuration file, the defined peers would have the
    ##  following values for the ``max-connections'' key.
    ##          uunet                  5
    ##          vixie                 10
    ##          data.ramona.vix.com   15
    ##          bb.home.vix.com       20
    ##  Height keys are allowed:
    ##  hostname:
    ##   This key is mandatory in a peer block. The value is a string representing
    ##   a list of hostnames separated by a comma. A hostname is the host's FQDN,
    ##   or the dotted quad ip-address of the peer.
    ##  streaming:
    ##   This key requires a boolean value. It defines whether streaming commands
    ##   are allowed from this peer. (default=true)
    ##  max-connections:
    ##   This key requires positive integer value. It defines the maximum number
    ##   of connections allowed. A value of zero specifies an unlimited number
    ##   of maximum connections (``unlimited'' or ``none'' can be used as synonym).
    ##   (default=0)
    ##  hold-time:
    ##   This key requires positive integer value. It defines the hold time before
    ##   close, if the connection is over max-connections. A value of zero
    ##   specifies immediate close. (default=0)
    ##  password:
    ##   This key requires a string value. It is used if you wish to require a peer
    ##   to supply a password. (default=no password)
    ##  patterns:
    ##   This key requires a string value. It is a list of newsfeeds(5)-style list
    ##   of newsgroups which are to be accepted from this host. (default="*")
    ##  email:
    ##   This key requires a string value. Reserved for future use. (default=empty)
    ##  comment:
    ##   This key requires a string value. Reserved for future use. (default=empty)
    ##  skip:
    ##   This key requires a boolean value. Setting this entry causes this peer
    ##   to be skipped. Reserved for future use. (default=false)
    ##  noresendid: 
    ##   This key requires a boolean value. It defines whether innd should send
    ##   "431 RESENDID" (stream mode) or "436 Retry later" (non-stream mode)
    ##   responses if a message is offered that is already received from another
    ##   peer. This can be useful for peers that resend messages right away,
    ##   as innfeed does. (default=false)
    streaming:              true   # streaming allowed by default
    max-connections:        12     # per feed
    peer ME {
      hostname:         "localhost,"
    peer local {
      hostname:         "shrek,"
    [root@shrek /root]#

    Конфигурационный файл /etc/news/storage.conf
    [root@shrek /root]# less /etc/news/storage.conf
    # This file is used to determine which storage method articles are sent to
    # to be stored and which storage class they are stored as.  
    #	Sample for the ``timehash'' storage method:
    #	method <methodname> {
    #		newsgroups: <wildmat>
    #		class: <storage class #>
    #		size: <minsize>[,<maxsize>]
    #		expires: <mintime>[,<maxtime>]
    #		options: <options>
    #	}
    #method timehash {
    #	newsgroups: *
    #	class: 0
    #method timehash {
    #	newsgroups: alt.binaries.*
    #	class: 1
    #	size: 2,32000
    #method timehash {
    #	newsgroups: alt.*
    #	class: 2
    #	size: 1
    #	Sample for the ``cnfs'' storage method:
    #	methodname:wildmat:storage class #:minsize:maxsize:metacycbuffname
    #	method cnfs {
    #		newsgroups: <wildmat>
    #		class: <storage class #>
    #		size: <minsize>[,<maxsize>]
    #		expires: <mintime>[,<maxtime>]
    #		options: <metacycbuffname>
    #	}
    #method cnfs {
    #	newsgroups: *
    #	class: 1
    #	size: 0,3999
    #	expires: 4d1s
    #	options: FAQS
    #method cnfs {
    #	newsgroups: *
    #	class: 2
    #	size: 0,3999
    #	expires: 0s,4d
    #	options: SMALLAREA
    #method cnfs {
    #	newsgroups: *
    #	class: 3
    #	size: 4000,1000000
    #	options: BIGAREA
    method tradspool {
    	newsgroups: utep.*
    	class: 1
    [root@shrek /root]#

    Конфигурационный файл /etc/news/readers.conf
    [root@shrek /root]# less /etc/news/readers.conf
    ##  $Id: readers.conf,v 2001/01/16 15:36:37 rra Exp $
    ##  readers.conf - Access control and configuration for nnrpd
    ##  Format:
    ##	auth "<name>" {
    ##		hosts: "<hostlist>"
    ##		auth: "<authprog>"
    ##		res: "<resprog>"
    ##		default: "<identity>"
    ##		default-domain: "<email-domain>"
    ##	}
    ##	access "<name>" {
    ##		users: "<userlist>"
    ##		newsgroups: "<newsgroups>"
    ##		read: "<read>"
    ##		post: "<post>"
    ##		access: "<perm>"
    ##	}
    ##  Other parameters are possible.  See readers.conf(5) for all the
    ##  details.  Only one of newsgroups or read/post may be used in a single
    ##  access group.
    ##  If the connecting host is not matched by any hosts: parameter of any
    ##  auth group, it will be denied access.  auth groups assign an identity
    ##  string to connections, access groups grant privileges to identity
    ##  strings matched by their users: parameters.
    ##  In all cases, the last match found is used, so put defaults first.
    ##  For a news server that allows connections from anyone within a
    ##  particular domain or IP address range, just uncomment the "local" auth
    ##  group and the "local" access group below and adjust the hosts: and
    ##  default: parameters of the auth group and the users: parameter of the
    ##  access group for your local network and domain name.  That's all there
    ##  is to it.
    ##  For more complicated configurations, read the comments on the examples
    ##  and also see the examples and explanations in readers.conf(5).  The
    ##  examples in readers.conf(5) include setups that require the user to
    ##  log in with a username and password (the example in this file only
    ##  uses simple host-based authentication).
    ##  NOTE: Unlike in previous versions of INN, nnrpd will now refuse any
    ##  post from anyone to a moderated newsgroup that contains an Approved:
    ##  header unless their access block has an access: key containing the
    ##  "A" flag.  This is to prevent abuse of moderated groups, but it means
    ##  that if you support any newsgroup moderators, you need to make sure
    ##  to add such a line to the access group that affects them.  See the
    ##  access group for localhost below for an example.
    # The only groups enabled by default (the rest of this file is
    # commented-out examples).  This assigns the identity of <localhost> to
    # the local machine
    auth "localhost" {
        hosts: "localhost,, stdin"
        default: "<localhost>"
    # Grant that specific identity access to read and post to any newsgroup
    # and allow it to post articles with Approved: headers to moderated
    # groups.
    access "localhost" {
        users: "<localhost>"
        newsgroups: "*"
        access: RPA
    auth default {
        hosts: ""
        default: "<LOCAL>"
    access full {
        users: *
        newsgroups: utep.*
        access: RP
    #auth w2ksrv {
    #    hosts: ""
    #    default: "suntech"
    #access full {
    #    users: *
    #    newsgroups: utep.*
    #    access: RP
    # This auth group matches all connections from example.com or machines in
    # the example.com domain and gives them the identity <local>@example.com.
    # Instead of using wildmat patterns to match machine names, you could also
    # put a wildmat pattern matching IP addresses or an IP range specified
    # using CIDR notation (like here.
    #auth "local" {
    #    hosts: "*.example.com, example.com"
    #    default: "<local>@example.com"
    # This auth group matches a subset of machines and assigns connections
    # from there an identity of "<read>@example.com"; these systems should
    # only have read access, no posting privileges.
    #auth "read-only" {
    #    hosts: "*.newuser.example.com"
    #    default: "<read>@example.com"
    # This auth group matches the systems at a guest institution that should
    # be allowed to read the example.events.* hierarchy but nothing else.
    #auth "events-only" {
    #    hosts: "*.example.org"
    #    default: "<events-only>@example.org"
    # Finally, this auth group matches some particular systems which have been
    # abusing the server.  Note that it doesn't assign them an identity at
    # all; the "empty" identity created in this fashion won't match any users:
    # parameters.  Note also that it's last, so anything matching this entry
    # will take precedent over everything above it.
    #auth "abusers" {
    #    hosts: "badguy-dsl.example.com, kiosk.public-access.example.com"
    # Now for the access groups.  All of our access groups should have users:
    # parameters so there are no access groups that match connections without
    # an identity (such as are generated by the "abusers" entry above).
    # First, the default case of local users, who get to read and post to
    # everything.
    #access "local" {
    #    users: "<local>@example.com"
    #    newsgroups: "*"
    # Now, the read-only folks, who only get to read everything.
    #access "read-only" {
    #    users: "<read>@example.com"
    #    read: "*"
    # Finally, the events-only people who get to read and post but only to a
    # specific hierarchy.
    #access "events-only" {
    #    users: "<events-only>@example.org"
    #    newsgroups: "example.events.*"
    [root@shrek /root]#

    Если при попытке запустить процесс командой:
    /etc/init.d/innd start

    выдается следующее сообщение:

    "Перед запуском innd необходимо выполнить makehistory и/или makedbz."
    "Please run makehistory and/or makedbz before starting innd."

    то необходибо выполнить следующие 2 команды:

    /usr/lib/news/bin/makedbz -i -o

    после первой появится файл:

    после второй появятся файлы:

    где "/var/lib/news/" = pathdb

    необходимо проверить, кто является владельцем на созданные файлы:
    ls -l /etc/news/*
    ls -l /var/lib/news/*
    ls -l /var/spool/news/tradspool.map
    ls -l /var/spool/news/overview/group.index

    если пользователь не news, то необходимо выполнить следующее:
    chown news /etc/news/*
    chgrp news /etc/news/*
    chown news /var/lib/news/history*
    chgrp news /var/lib/news/history*
    chown news /var/spool/news/tradspool.map
    chgrp news /var/spool/news/tradspool.map
    chown news /var/spool/news/overview/group.index
    chgrp news /var/spool/news/overview/group.index

    [root@shrek /root]# ctlinnd newgroup utep.talk y SunTechnic
    [root@shrek /root]# ctlinnd newgroup utep.test y SunTechnic

    После этого в файлах active и active.times (/var/lib/news/active и /var/lib/news/active.times) появятся соответсвующие строчки и создадутся соответсвующие каталорги по пути указанному в переменной patharticles


    Настройки сервера новостей pups.it.ru

    Сервер новостей взят из дистрибутива Red Hat 7.1. inn v.2.3.2-12
    Здесь также указаны файлы, которые надо менять.

    Дополнительная информация (как и в inn v.2.3.4-2)

    Конфигурационный файл /etc/news/inn.conf
    [root@pups /root]# less /etc/news/inn.conf
    ##  $Id: inn.conf.in,v 2000/07/17 06:46:17 rra Exp $
    ##  inn.conf -- INN configuration data
    ##  Format:
    ##      :
    ##  Blank values are allowed for certain parameters.
    ##  See the inn.conf(5) man page for a full description of each of these
    ##  options.  This sample file is divided into two sections; first, there
    ##  are the parameters that must be set (or should be set in nearly all
    ##  cases), and then all parameters are given with their defaults for
    ##  reference in the same order and with the same organization as the
    ##  inn.conf(5) documentation.
    # The following parameters are most likely to need setting, although the
    # defaults generated by configure may be reasonable.
    mta:                    /usr/sbin/sendmail -oi -oem %s
    organization:           A poorly-installed InterNetNews site
    ovmethod:               tradindexed
    #pathhost:              localhost
    pathnews:               /usr
    # General Settings
    domain:			it.ru
    mailcmd:                /usr/bin/innmail
    server:			pups
    # Feed Configuration
    artcutoff:              100
    hiscachesize:           0
    ignorenewsgroups:       false
    immediatecancel:        false
    linecountfuzz:          0
    maxartsize:             1000000
    maxconnections:         50
    pgpverify:              false
    port:                   119
    refusecybercancels:     false
    remembertrash:          true
    usecontrolchan:         true
    verifycancels:          false
    wanttrash:              false
    wipcheck:               5
    wipexpire:              10
    # Article Storage
    cnfscheckfudgesize:     0
    enableoverview:         true
    groupbaseexpiry:        true
    mergetogroups:          false
    overcachesize:          15
    storeonxref:            false
    useoverchan:            false
    wireformat:             false
    xrefslave:              false
    # Reading
    allownewnews:           true
    articlemmap:            false
    clienttimeout:          1800
    nnrpdcheckart:          true
    nnrpperlauth:           false
    nnrppythonauth:         false
    noreader:               false
    readerswhenstopped:     false
    readertrack:            false
    # Reading -- Keyword Support
    # Enabling this without stopping innd and deleting the existing overview
    # database and adding will probably confuse a lot of things.  You must
    # have compiled this support in too.
    keywords:               false
    keyartlimit:            100000
    keylimit:               512
    keymaxwords:            250
    # Posting
    addnntppostingdate:     true
    addnntppostinghost:     true
    checkincludedtext:      false
    localmaxartsize:        1000000
    nnrpdauthsender:        false
    nnrpdpostport:          119
    spoolfirst:             false
    strippostcc:            false
    # Posting -- Exponential Backoff
    backoffauth:            false
    backoffk:               1
    backoffpostfast:        0
    backoffpostslow:        1
    backofftrigger:         10000
    # Monitoring
    doinnwatch:             false
    innwatchbatchspace:     800
    innwatchlibspace:       25000
    innwatchloload:         1000
    innwatchhiload:         2000
    innwatchpauseload:      1500
    innwatchsleeptime:      600
    innwatchspoolnodes:     200
    innwatchspoolspace:     8000
    # Logging
    docnfsstat:             false
    logartsize:             true
    logcancelcomm:          false
    logcycles:              3
    logipaddr:              true
    logsitename:            true
    nnrpdoverstats:         false
    nntpactsync:            200
    nntplinklog:            false
    status:                 0
    timer:                  0
    # System Tuning
    badiocount:             5
    blockbackoff:           120
    chaninacttime:          600
    chanretrytime:          300
    icdsynccount:           1000
    maxforks:               10
    nicekids:               0
    nicenewnews:            0
    nicennrpd:              0
    pauseretrytime:         300
    peertimeout:            3600
    rlimitnofile:           -1
    # Paths
    patharchive:            /var/spool/news/archive
    patharticles:           /var/spool/news/articles
    pathbin:                /usr/bin
    pathcontrol:            /usr/bin/control
    pathdb:                 /var/lib/news
    pathetc:                /etc/news
    pathfilter:             /usr/bin/filter
    pathhttp:               /var/log/news
    pathincoming:           /var/spool/news/incoming
    pathlog:                /var/log/news
    pathoutgoing:           /var/spool/news/outgoing
    pathoverview:           /var/spool/news/overview
    pathrun:                /var/run/news
    pathspool:              /var/spool/news
    pathtmp:                /var/lib/news/tmp
    [root@pups /root]#
    Конфигурационный файл /etc/news/expire.ctl
    [root@pups /root]# less /etc/news/expire.ctl
    ##  $Revision: $
    ##  expire.ctl - expire control file
    ##  Format:
    ##	/remember/:
    ##	:::
    ##	::::
    ##  First line gives history retention; second line specifies expiration
    ##  for classes; third line specifies expiration for group if groupbaseexpiry
    ##  is true
    ##			class specified in storage.conf
    ##		wildmat-style patterns for the newsgroups
    ##			Mininum number of days to keep article
    ##		Default number of days to keep the article
    ##			Flush article after this many days
    ##  , , and  can be floating-point numbers or the
    ##  word "never."  Times are based on when received unless -p is used;
    ##  see expire.8
    ##  If article expires before 10 days, we still remember it for 10 days in
    ##  case we get offered it again.  Depending on what you use for the innd
    ##  -c flag and how paranoid you are about old news, you might want to
    ##  make this 28, 30, etc, but it's probably safe to reduce it to 7 in most
    ##  cases if you want to keep your history file smaller.
    ##  Keep for 1-10 days, allow Expires headers to work.  This entry uses
    ##  the syntax appropriate when groupbaseexpiry is true in inn.conf.
    ##  Keep for 1-10 days, allow Expires headers to work.  This is an entry
    ##  based on storage class, used when groupbaseexpiry is false.
    [root@pups /root]#

    Конфигурационный файл /etc/news/incoming.conf
    [root@pups /root]# less /etc/news/incoming.conf
    ##  $Revision: 1.6 $
    ##  incoming.conf - names and addresses that feed us news
    ##  This file consists of three types of entries: key/value, peer and group.
    ##  Comments are taken from the hash character ``#'' to the end of the line.
    ##  Blank lines are ignored.
    ##  Key/value entries are a keyword immediatly followed by a colon, at least
    ##  one blank and a value. For example:
    ##         max-connections: 10
    ##  A legal key contains nor blanks, nor colon, nor ``#''.
    ##  There are 5 different type of  values:  integers,  booleans, and strings.
    ##  Integers are as to be expected. A boolean value is either ``true'' or
    ##  ``false'' (case is significant). A string value is any other sequence of
    ##  characters. If the string needs to contain whitespace, then it must be
    ##  quoted with double quotes.
    ##  Peer entries look like:
    ##          peer  {
    ##               # body
    ##          }
    ##  The word ``peer'' is required.  is a label for this peer. It is
    ##  any string valid as a key. The body of a peer entry contains some number
    ##  of key/value entries.
    ##  Group entries look like:
    ##          group  {
    ##               # body
    ##          }
    ##  The word ``group'' is required. The ``'' is any string valid as a
    ##  key. The body of a group entry contains any number of the three types of
    ##  entries. So key/value pairs can be defined inside a group, and peers can
    ##  be nested inside a group, and other groups can be nested inside a group.
    ##  Key/value entries that are defined outside of all peer and group entries
    ##  are said to be at ``global scope''. Global key/value entries act as
    ##  defaults for peers. When innd looks for a specific value in a peer entry
    ##  (for example, the maximum number of connections to allow), if the value
    ##  is not defined in the peer entry, then the enclosing groups are examined
    ##  for the entry (starting at the closest enclosing group). If there are no
    ##  enclosing groups, or the enclosing groups don't define the key/value,
    ##  then the value at global scope is used.
    ##  A small example could be:
    ##      # Global value applied to all peers that have no value of their own.
    ##      max-connections: 5
    ##      # A peer definition.
    ##      peer uunet {
    ##           hostname: usenet1.uu.net
    ##      }
    ##      peer vixie {
    ##              hostname: gw.home.vix.com
    ##              max-connections: 10      # override global value.
    ##      }
    ##      # A group of two peers who can open more connections than normal
    ##      group fast-sites {
    ##           max-connections: 15
    ##           # Another peer. The ``max-connections'' value from the
    ##           # ``fast-sites'' group scope is used.
    ##           peer data.ramona.vix.com {
    ##                hostname: data.ramona.vix.com
    ##           }
    ##           peer bb.home.vix.com {
    ##                hostname: bb.home.vix.com
    ##                max-connections: 20 # he can really cook.
    ##           }
    ##      }
    ##  Given the above configuration file, the defined peers would have the
    ##  following values for the ``max-connections'' key.
    ##          uunet                  5
    ##          vixie                 10
    ##          data.ramona.vix.com   15
    ##          bb.home.vix.com       20
    ##  Height keys are allowed:
    ##  hostname:
    ##   This key is mandatory in a peer block. The value is a string representing
    ##   a list of hostnames separated by a comma. A hostname is the host's FQDN,
    ##   or the dotted quad ip-address of the peer.
    ##  streaming:
    ##   This key requires a boolean value. It defines whether streaming commands
    ##   are allowed from this peer. (default=true)
    ##  max-connections:
    ##   This key requires positive integer value. It defines the maximum number
    ##   of connections allowed. A value of zero specifies an unlimited number
    ##   of maximum connections (``unlimited'' or ``none'' can be used as synonym).
    ##   (default=0)
    ##  hold-time:
    ##   This key requires positive integer value. It defines the hold time before
    ##   close, if the connection is over max-connections. A value of zero
    ##   specifies immediate close. (default=0)
    ##  password:
    ##   This key requires a string value. It is used if you wish to require a peer
    ##   to supply a password. (default=no password)
    ##  patterns:
    ##   This key requires a string value. It is a list of newsfeeds(5)-style list
    ##   of newsgroups which are to be accepted from this host. (default="*")
    ##  email:
    ##   This key requires a string value. Reserved for future use. (default=empty)
    ##  comment:
    ##   This key requires a string value. Reserved for future use. (default=empty)
    ##  skip:
    ##   This key requires a boolean value. Setting this entry causes this peer
    ##   to be skipped. Reserved for future use. (default=false)
    ##  noresendid: 
    ##   This key requires a boolean value. It defines whether innd should send
    ##   "431 RESENDID" (stream mode) or "436 Retry later" (non-stream mode)
    ##   responses if a message is offered that is already received from another
    ##   peer. This can be useful for peers that resend messages right away,
    ##   as innfeed does. (default=false)
    streaming:              true   # streaming allowed by default
    max-connections:        12     # per feed
    peer ME {
      hostname:         "localhost,"
    peer local {
      hostname:         "pups,"
    [root@pups /root]#

    Конфигурационный файл /etc/news/storage.conf
    [root@pups /root]# less /etc/news/storage.conf
    # This file is used to determine which storage method articles are sent to
    # to be stored and which storage class they are stored as.  
    #	Sample for the ``timehash'' storage method:
    #	method  {
    #		newsgroups: 
    #		class: 
    #		size: [,]
    #		expires: [,]
    #		options: 
    #	}
    #method timehash {
    #	newsgroups: *
    #	class: 0
    #method timehash {
    #	newsgroups: alt.binaries.*
    #	class: 1
    #	size: 2,32000
    #method timehash {
    #	newsgroups: alt.*
    #	class: 2
    #	size: 1
    #	Sample for the ``cnfs'' storage method:
    #	methodname:wildmat:storage class #:minsize:maxsize:metacycbuffname
    #	method cnfs {
    #		newsgroups: 
    #		class: 
    #		size: [,]
    #		expires: [,]
    #		options: 
    #	}
    #method cnfs {
    #	newsgroups: *
    #	class: 1
    #	size: 0,3999
    #	expires: 4d1s
    #	options: FAQS
    #method cnfs {
    #	newsgroups: *
    #	class: 2
    #	size: 0,3999
    #	expires: 0s,4d
    #	options: SMALLAREA
    #method cnfs {
    #	newsgroups: *
    #	class: 3
    #	size: 4000,1000000
    #	options: BIGAREA
    method tradspool {
    	newsgroups: pups.*
    	class: 1
    [root@pups /root]#

    Конфигурационный файл /etc/news/readers.conf
    [root@pups /root]# less /etc/news/readers.conf
    ##  $Id: readers.conf,v 2001/01/16 15:36:37 rra Exp $
    ##  readers.conf - Access control and configuration for nnrpd
    ##  Format:
    ##	auth "" {
    ##		hosts: ""
    ##		auth: ""
    ##		res: ""
    ##		default: ""
    ##		default-domain: ""
    ##	}
    ##	access "" {
    ##		users: ""
    ##		newsgroups: ""
    ##		read: ""
    ##		post: ""
    ##		access: ""
    ##	}
    ##  Other parameters are possible.  See readers.conf(5) for all the
    ##  details.  Only one of newsgroups or read/post may be used in a single
    ##  access group.
    ##  If the connecting host is not matched by any hosts: parameter of any
    ##  auth group, it will be denied access.  auth groups assign an identity
    ##  string to connections, access groups grant privileges to identity
    ##  strings matched by their users: parameters.
    ##  In all cases, the last match found is used, so put defaults first.
    ##  For a news server that allows connections from anyone within a
    ##  particular domain or IP address range, just uncomment the "local" auth
    ##  group and the "local" access group below and adjust the hosts: and
    ##  default: parameters of the auth group and the users: parameter of the
    ##  access group for your local network and domain name.  That's all there
    ##  is to it.
    ##  For more complicated configurations, read the comments on the examples
    ##  and also see the examples and explanations in readers.conf(5).  The
    ##  examples in readers.conf(5) include setups that require the user to
    ##  log in with a username and password (the example in this file only
    ##  uses simple host-based authentication).
    ##  NOTE: Unlike in previous versions of INN, nnrpd will now refuse any
    ##  post from anyone to a moderated newsgroup that contains an Approved:
    ##  header unless their access block has an access: key containing the
    ##  "A" flag.  This is to prevent abuse of moderated groups, but it means
    ##  that if you support any newsgroup moderators, you need to make sure
    ##  to add such a line to the access group that affects them.  See the
    ##  access group for localhost below for an example.
    # The only groups enabled by default (the rest of this file is
    # commented-out examples).  This assigns the identity of  to
    # the local machine
    auth "localhost" {
        hosts: "localhost,, stdin"
        default: ""
    # Grant that specific identity access to read and post to any newsgroup
    # and allow it to post articles with Approved: headers to moderated
    # groups.
    access "localhost" {
        users: ""
        newsgroups: "*"
        access: RPA
    auth default {
        hosts: ""
        default: ""
    access full {
        users: *
        newsgroups: pups.*
        access: RP
    # This auth group matches all connections from example.com or machines in
    # the example.com domain and gives them the identity @example.com.
    # Instead of using wildmat patterns to match machine names, you could also
    # put a wildmat pattern matching IP addresses or an IP range specified
    # using CIDR notation (like here.
    #auth "local" {
    #    hosts: "*.example.com, example.com"
    #    default: "@example.com"
    # This auth group matches a subset of machines and assigns connections
    # from there an identity of "@example.com"; these systems should
    # only have read access, no posting privileges.
    #auth "read-only" {
    #    hosts: "*.newuser.example.com"
    #    default: "@example.com"
    # This auth group matches the systems at a guest institution that should
    # be allowed to read the example.events.* hierarchy but nothing else.
    #auth "events-only" {
    #    hosts: "*.example.org"
    #    default: "@example.org"
    # Finally, this auth group matches some particular systems which have been
    # abusing the server.  Note that it doesn't assign them an identity at
    # all; the "empty" identity created in this fashion won't match any users:
    # parameters.  Note also that it's last, so anything matching this entry
    # will take precedent over everything above it.
    #auth "abusers" {
    #    hosts: "badguy-dsl.example.com, kiosk.public-access.example.com"
    # Now for the access groups.  All of our access groups should have users:
    # parameters so there are no access groups that match connections without
    # an identity (such as are generated by the "abusers" entry above).
    # First, the default case of local users, who get to read and post to
    # everything.
    #access "local" {
    #    users: "@example.com"
    #    newsgroups: "*"
    # Now, the read-only folks, who only get to read everything.
    #access "read-only" {
    #    users: "@example.com"
    #    read: "*"
    # Finally, the events-only people who get to read and post but only to a
    # specific hierarchy.
    #access "events-only" {
    #    users: "@example.org"
    #    newsgroups: "example.events.*"
    [root@pups /root]#

    Файл /var/lib/news/newsgroups
    [root@pups /root]# less /var/lib/news/newsgroups
    control                 Various control messages (no posting).
    control.cancel          Cancel messages (no posting).
    control.checkgroups     Hierarchy check control messages (no posting).
    control.newgroup        Newsgroup creation control messages (no posting).
    control.rmgroup         Newsgroup removal control messages (no posting).
    junk                    Unfiled articles (no posting).
    pups.talk                Talking
    pups.test                Testing
    [root@pups /root]#

    Настройки сервера новостей grossb.it.ru

    Сервер новостей взят из дистрибутива Red Hat 6.2. inn v.2.2.2-3
    Здесь также указаны файлы, которые надо менять.


    Конфигурационный файл /etc/news/inn.conf
    [root@grossb /root]# less /etc/news/inn.conf
    ##  $Revision: $
    ##  inn.conf -- inn configuration data
    ##  Format:
    ##	<parameter>:<whitespace><value>
    ##  See the inn.conf(5) man page for a full description of each
    ##  of these options
    ##  Blank values are allowed for certain parameters
    ## ---------------------------------
    # All parameters must exist
    organization:		InterNetNews site
    server:			grossb.it.ru
    pathhost:		localhost
    domain:			it.ru
    mta:			/usr/sbin/sendmail -oi %s
    mailcmd:		/usr/bin/innmail
    checkincludedtext:	false
    maxforks:		10
    maxartsize:		1000000
    nicekids:		0
    nicenewnews:		0
    verifycancels:		true
    logcancelcomm:		true
    wanttrash:		false
    remembertrash:		true
    linecountfuzz:		0
    peertimeout:		3600
    clienttimeout:		1800
    allownewnews:		true
    localmaxartsize:	1000000
    logartsize:		true
    logipaddr:		true
    logsitename:		true
    maxconnections:		50
    artcutoff:		70
    icdsynccount:		1000
    hiscachesize:		0
    readertrack:		false
    strippostcc:		false
    status:			0
    timer:			0
    readerswhenstopped:	false
    noreader:		false
    extendeddbz:		false
    nnrpdoverstats:		false
    storeonxref:		true
    nnrpdcheckart:		true
    storemsgid:		true
    usecontrolchan:		true
    mergetogroups:		false
    backoffauth:		false
    backoffdb:		/var/lib/news/backoff
    backoffpostfast:	0L
    backoffpostslow:	1L
    backofftrigger:		10000L
    refusecybercancels:	false
    activedenable:		true
    activedupdate:		30
    activedport:		1119
    nnrpperlauth:		false
    # These options are unlikely to need changing in most situations
    chaninacttime:		600
    chanretrytime:		300
    pauseretrytime:		300
    nntplinklog:		false
    nntpactsync:		200
    badiocount:		5
    blockbackoff:		120
    # ---------------------------------
    # Changing these options can have an effect on the way articles are
    # stored and may require recreating the spool and/or database files
    wireformat:		false
    xrefslave:		false
    nnrpdpostport:		1999
    spoolfirst:		false
    writelinks:		true
    storageapi:		false
    articlemmap:		false
    overviewmmap:		true
    bindaddress:		all
    sourceaddress:		any
    port:			1999
    ## Keywords-in-overview options
    ## Enabling this without stopping innd and deleting the existing overview
    ## database and adding  will probably confuse a lot of things. You must 
    ## have compiled this support in too.
    keywords:		false
    keylimit:		512
    keyartlimit:		100000
    keymaxwords:		250
    # Other options
    doinnwatch:		false
    innwatchsleeptime:	600
    pgpverify:		false
    controlfailnotice:	false
    logcycles:		3
    innwatchpauseload:	1500
    innwatchhiload:		2000
    innwatchloload:		1000
    innwatchspoolspace:	8000
    innwatchbatchspace:	800
    innwatchlibspace:	25000
    innwatchspoolnodes:	200
    docnfsstat:		false
    # ---------------------------------
    # Paths to various aspects of the news system
    pathnews:		/usr
    pathbin:		/usr/bin
    pathfilter:		/usr/bin/filter
    pathcontrol:		/usr/bin/control
    pathdb:			/var/lib/news
    pathetc:		/etc/news
    pathrun:		/var/run/news
    pathlog:		/var/log/news
    pathhttp:		/var/log/news
    pathtmp:		/usr/tmp
    pathspool:		/var/spool/news
    patharticles:		/var/spool/news/articles
    pathoverview:		/var/spool/news/overview
    pathoutgoing:		/var/spool/news/outgoing
    pathincoming:		/var/spool/news/incoming
    patharchive:		/var/spool/news/archive
    pathuniover:		/var/spool/news/uniover
    overviewname:		.overview
    # ---------------------------------
    [root@grossb /root]#

    Конфигурационный файл /etc/news/expire.ctl
    [root@grossb /root]# less /etc/news/expire.ctl
    ##  $Revision: $
    ##  expire.ctl - expire control file
    ##  Format:
    ##	/remember/:<keep>
    ##	<patterns>:<modflag>:<keep>:<default>:<purge>
    ##  First line gives history retention; other lines specify expiration
    ##  for newsgroups.  Must have a "*:A:..." line which is the default.
    ##	<patterns>	wildmat-style patterns for the newsgroups
    ##	<modflag>	Pick one of M U A -- modifies pattern to be only
    ##			moderated, unmoderated, or all groups
    ##	<keep>		Mininum number of days to keep article
    ##	<default>	Default number of days to keep the article
    ##	<purge>		Flush article after this many days
    ##  <keep>, <default>, and <purge> can be floating-point numbers or the
    ##  word "never."  Times are based on when received unless -p is used;
    ##  see expire.8
    ##  If article expires before 14 days, we still remember it for 14 days in
    ##  case we get offered it again.  Depending on what you use for the innd
    ##  -c flag and how paranoid you are about old news, you might want to
    ##  make this 28, 30, etc.
    ##  Keep for 1-10 days, allow Expires headers to work.
    ##  Some particular groups stay forever.
    # Keep FAQ's for a month, so they're always available
    # Some other recommendations.  Uncomment if you want
    # .announce groups tend to be low-traffic, high signal.
    # *.announce:M:1:30:90
    # Weather forecasts
    # *.weather:A:1:2:7
    # test posts
    # *.test:A:1:1:1
    ##  Some particular groups stay forever.
    # dc.dining*:A:never:never:never
    # uunet*:A:never:never:never
    [root@grossb /root]#

    Конфигурационный файл /etc/news/incoming.conf
    [root@grossb /root]# less /etc/news/incoming.conf
    ##  $Revision: $
    ##  incoming.conf - names and addresses that feed us news
    ##  This file consists of three types of entries: key/value, peer and group.
    ##  Comments are taken from the hash character ``#'' to the end of the line.
    ##  Blank lines are ignored.
    ##  Key/value entries are a keyword immediatly followed by a colon, at least
    ##  one blank and a value. For example:
    ##         max-connections: 10
    ##  A legal key contains nor blanks, nor colon, nor ``#''.
    ##  There are 5 different type of  values:  integers,  booleans, and strings.
    ##  Integers are as to be expected. A boolean value is either ``true'' or
    ##  ``false'' (case is significant). A string value is any other sequence of
    ##  characters. If the string needs to contain whitespace, then it must be
    ##  quoted with double quotes.
    ##  Peer entries look like:
    ##          peer <name> {
    ##               # body
    ##          }
    ##  The word ``peer'' is required. <name> is a label for this peer. It is
    ##  any string valid as a key. The body of a peer entry contains some number
    ##  of key/value entries.
    ##  Group entries look like:
    ##          group <name> {
    ##               # body
    ##          }
    ##  The word ``group'' is required. The ``<name>'' is any string valid as a
    ##  key. The body of a group entry contains any number of the three types of
    ##  entries. So key/value pairs can be defined inside a group, and peers can
    ##  be nested inside a group, and other groups can be nested inside a group.
    ##  Key/value entries that are defined outside of all peer and group entries
    ##  are said to be at ``global scope''. Global key/value entries act as
    ##  defaults for peers. When innd looks for a specific value in a peer entry
    ##  (for example, the maximum number of connections to allow), if the value
    ##  is not defined in the peer entry, then the enclosing groups are examined
    ##  for the entry (starting at the closest enclosing group). If there are no
    ##  enclosing groups, or the enclosing groups don't define the key/value,
    ##  then the value at global scope is used.
    ##  A small example could be:
    ##      # Global value applied to all peers that have no value of their own.
    ##      max-connections: 5
    ##      # A peer definition.
    ##      peer uunet {
    ##           hostname: usenet1.uu.net
    ##      }
    ##      peer vixie {
    ##              hostname: gw.home.vix.com
    ##              max-connections: 10      # override global value.
    ##      }
    ##      # A group of two peers who can open more connections than normal
    ##      group fast-sites {
    ##           max-connections: 15
    ##           # Another peer. The ``max-connections'' value from the
    ##           # ``fast-sites'' group scope is used.
    ##           peer data.ramona.vix.com {
    ##                hostname: data.ramona.vix.com
    ##           }
    ##           peer bb.home.vix.com {
    ##                hostname: bb.home.vix.com
    ##                max-connections: 20 # he can really cook.
    ##           }
    ##      }
    ##  Given the above configuration file, the defined peers would have the
    ##  following values for the ``max-connections'' key.
    ##          uunet                  5
    ##          vixie                 10
    ##          data.ramona.vix.com   15
    ##          bb.home.vix.com       20
    ##  Height keys are allowed:
    ##  hostname:
    ##   This key is mandatory in a peer block. The value is a string representing
    ##   a list of hostnames separated by a comma. A hostname is the host's FQDN,
    ##   or the dotted quad ip-address of the peer.
    ##  streaming:
    ##   This key requires a boolean value. It defines whether streaming commands
    ##   are allowed from this peer. (default=true)
    ##  max-connections:
    ##   This key requires positive integer value. It defines the maximum number
    ##   of connections allowed. A value of zero specifies an unlimited number
    ##   of maximum connections (``unlimited'' or ``none'' can be used as synonym).
    ##   (default=0)
    ##  password:
    ##   This key requires a string value. It is used if you wish to require a peer
    ##   to supply a password. (default=no password)
    ##  patterns:
    ##   This key requires a string value. It is a list of newsfeeds(5)-style list
    ##   of newsgroups which are to be accepted from this host. (default="*")
    ##  email:
    ##   This key requires a string value. Reserved for future use. (default=empty)
    ##  comment:
    ##   This key requires a string value. Reserved for future use. (default=empty)
    ##  skip:
    ##   This key requires a boolean value. Setting this entry causes this peer
    ##   to be skipped. Reserved for future use. (default=false)
    ##  noresendid: 
    ##   This key requires a boolean value. It defines whether innd should send
    ##   "431 RESENDID" (stream mode) or "436 Retry later" (non-stream mode)
    ##   responses if a message is offered that is already received from another
    ##   peer. This can be useful for peers that resend messages right away,
    ##   as innfeed does. (default=false)
    streaming:              true   # streaming allowed by default
    max-connections:        50     # per feed
    peer ME {
      hostname:         "localhost,"
    peer local {
      hostname:         "grossb.it.ru,"
      streaming:	    true
    [root@grossb /root]#

    Конфигурационный файл /etc/news/nnrp.access
    [root@grossb /root]# less /etc/news/nnrp.access
    # Default to no access
    *:: -no- : -no- :!*
    # Allow access from localhost
    localhost:Read Post:::*
    # Allow access from frendly hosts Post:ignat:eva:it.* Post:alone:mind:it.* Post:sablin:browse:it.* Post:sablin:browse:it.* Post:intra:go:it.* Post:sb:immortal:it.* Post:kpn:shved1:it.* Post:sandy:candy:it.* Post:lstrunnikova:peufive:it.* Post:inna:platina:it.* Post:dtimirov:haron:it.* Post:014:trinitron:it.* Post:petr:sharck:it.* Post:022:ghjnjrf:it.* Post:olk:father:it.* Post:esa:digger:it.* Post:suntechnic:freedom:it.* Post:rob:robot:it.* Post:pgv:dtghm:it.* Post:lsa:9111:it.* Post:idvorkina:idd:it.* Post:krack:smash:it.* Post:blackshade:pwd4news:it.*
    # Post:aridov:fuckoff:it.* Post:novikov:post:it.* Post:andry:diablo:it.* Post:andys:rfk<fcf:it.* Post:log:pas:it.* Post:lexa:gad:it.* Post:novik:pen:it.* Post:jvasilyeva:julia:it.*
    [root@grossb /root]#

    Файл /var/lib/news/newsgroups
    [root@grossb /root]# less /var/lib/news/newsgroups
    control		Usenet control messages - DO NOT REMOVE
    control.cancel	Usenet control messages - DO NOT REMOVE
    junk		Articles for missing newsgroups - DO NOT REMOVE
    test		A place for test posts - DO NOT REMOVE
    to		Special Group for INN use - DO NOT REMOVE
    it.talking	Talking
    it.mmx		Multimedia
    it.midnight	Midnight
    it.mobile	Mobile
    it.commerce	Commerce
    it.hardnsoft   Hard and Soft
    it.automoto	Auto and Moto
    it.sport	Sport
    [root@grossb /root]#

    Файл /var/lib/news/active
    [root@grossb /root]# less /var/lib/news/active
    control 0000000000 0000000001 y
    control.cancel 0000000005 0000000006 y
    junk 0000000000 0000000001 y
    test 0000000002 0000000003 y
    to 0000000002 0000000003 y
    it.talking 0000000314 0000000311 y
    it.mmx 0000000042 0000000043 y
    it.midnight 0000000022 0000000022 y
    it.test 0000000066 0000000067 y
    it.mobile 0000000053 0000000053 y
    it.commerce 0000000005 0000000006 y
    it.hardnsoft 0000000019 0000000020 y
    it.automoto 0000000004 0000000005 y
    it.sport 0000000010 0000000011 y
    [root@grossb /root]#

    Файл /var/lib/news/active.times
    [root@grossb /root]# less /var/lib/news/active.times
    it.talking 1072177103 SunTechnic
    it.mmx 1072177110 SunTechnic
    it.midnight 1072177130 SunTechnic
    it.test 1072181273 SunTechnic
    it.mobile 1072266182 SunTechnic
    it.commerce 1072266189 SunTechnic
    it.hardnsoft 1072266501 SunTechnic
    it.automoto 1072266756 SunTechnic
    it.sport 1072267623 SunTechnic
    [root@grossb /root]#



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